Thursday, January 19, 2012

On Translations - part 4

My Climber is ready. After I finished my "final" run yesterday I shut the computer down immediately, leaving only one chance for the ultimate "dress-rehearsal" run. What has been done is another comment of medical nature added, some better options chosen, but nothing reworked. There were three pieces that took most of that run time, but eventually I get back to the initial readings. I marked those three places in the text for my own records, just to see if any side feedback arrives in that regards. Also, I found much more minor places than I did yesterday that do not "match" mathematically or rhythmically or phonetically (and marked them too for my own internal use), however I decided not to go on correcting them all. There is no need for that already. So I can say that the translation of "The Climber" by Judge Smith has been finalized today.

As for this piece of work, I think I will not be pursuing the same goal of providing rhymed translation. No need to tickle my own vanity. This can be done, I presume, but that will not be interesting for me already. "The Climber" demanded it, while "Orfeas" wants something new. In fact, what I tried to do in my Climber was already implemented in Judge's "Orfeas", at a higher level though. I adapted one language to another following the same rhythm and music; Judge adapted music to a human speech. He describes that process here, you should read it.As I wrote earlier - the draft is done, however based on my experience with "The Climber" I can make an estimate and say that this will require up to one week to present the ultimate version of my Orfeas. But before that...

Scheduled tasks
.... before that I need to write an Introduction to the translations of Judge Smith's lyrics, and to translate that wonderful essay by Judge on Songstories. Once I met a Russian interpretation of that word invented by Judge, but I will think twice before I reuse it. Who knows maybe I will be able to find something more attractive. As soon as I have both prepared they will be posted on So, "Coming soon!"....

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