Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Lyrics of Judge Smith - Curly's Airships


The translation of Judge Smith's first songstory "Curly's Airships" into Russian, supplied with introduction and 90+ commentaries and references has been launched today! As always, visit the "Translation" section on The Russian pH/VdGG Page and in subsection 'Judge Smith' find the respective link, or use this direct link to the page.

So now "The Russian Translations of the Judge Smith's Songstories" task is accomplished and you can "take your seats in "Curly's Airship", rise high above the ground up to the highest mountain peaks following "The Climber", and accompanied by the beautiful music played by "Orfeas"". And don't forget to take with you your copy of "What is a 'Songstory'" essay introduced by "The Lyrics of Judge Smith".