Tuesday, June 4, 2013

One more life lost, one more soul saved

One more life was lost yesterday. Of course, much more lives stopped their flows on that day, thousands of them, maybe even more, but now I'm talking about that special life.
As it often happens, a car hit a Dog, and the one who was driving did not consider himself being a part of the Universe. He left, leaving the animal lying on the road. I popped up in this story on Saturday, so when I finally got to the location on the taxi driven by another Driver, ten-times replacing that first driver, missing from the Universe, we found three normal dogs in good shape and health. They were running away from me, although for some reason preferring to stay nearby. Apparently, the injured animal was part of their little pack, because we found her on the opposite side of the road. It was found out that the animal had been suffering for two days already. This is what we were told by the neighbors leaning out the window when they heard the dog crying while making an attempt to escape from me and to hide under a car. The neighbors were shouting at us and told us not to touch her, so I had to say that we're going to take her to the vet. They understood and nodded sympathetically, and shut their windows. They had been there for two days "guarding" the animal rather to provide the urgently required help!
The sight was quite painful: two legs seemed to be broken, one back and one front. Any attempt to get up and to run away accompanied by hitting the bleeding jaws on the asphalt - Dog could not hold herself up.
Calling the Vet, saying the Dog does not allow to approach her. He says that it is necessary to catch the Dog and bring her to his place. Calling the Coordinator. There is someone one who could do it. "Who is he?" "The one who does this professionally...."
Do I have to deal with the one I have been despising all my life, and not only knowing of what he and others like him do, but even mentioning of their profession made me boil in a rage?
And then, a sequence of events resulted in that I had to leave the scene and go back home, preparing myself for the upcoming morning operation of capturing and transportation of the animal to the Vet.
When crossing one of the streets, a Woman in the crowd walked toward me; she looked me in the eye and, despite my dark look and untidy appearance, she smiled. It made me stop in the middle of the road, and after a couple of seconds I turned around to catch up with her and thank for that smile. She smiled again and said, "Believe me, everything will be fine."
As it turned out after a few minutes, at this very moment, the Man who makes his living by officially killing animals (but who has been assisting the animal protectors for two and a half months already), and with whom I was to meet the next morning, having learned from the Coordinator of the incident was already riding on his own will to that place to check everything himself. I had to explain him the place where the dog was, and so another number was added to my address book under the heart-chilling "name". At the first "look", the Man seemed to be far from being clever, and miles away from the high ideals, which I was not surprised at. But the Coordinator and I were both surprised by the fact that he was there on his own: after finishing his working day, in his own car he decided to go there. When he found the dog, he took a “professional look” on the situation, and concluded that it was very serious: front paw along with the shoulder bone was separated from the skeleton, and was dangling just on the skin. "Such cases do not live," he said, and added that we probably should be ready to accept that the Vet should be required to do euthanasia. And he was very sorry for her, the sound of her screaming hurt him, he gave her some bread and water, and also, as I understood, he pulled her out from under the car and put it on the sidewalk.
We agreed on how to act in the morning. After that I coordinated our actions with that same Driver, outlined the plans with the Coordinator, and, exhausted, went to bed. I slept for two or three hours, and after that I was in a fog of names, visions, phone calls and new names.
However, the Dog was not there when I got to the place next morning. Having analyzed the situation, I suggested that she passed away in her sleep, and scavengers removed the body during their morning shift. The place was clean, the pack was not there, and the animal could not leave the place and move far away. At the appointed time, I called the Driver first, and then the Man.... He suspected that this story will end like this, but he hoped that a miracle would happen….
But I know that the miracle happened! It happened when he decided to go, when he risked of being stopped by police and fined for talking on the phone while driving, when he was searching for her, and when he hurt for her crying when he found her, when he gave her some bread and water, and when he accepted from me the news with regret. And this series of miracles began with a smile of that Woman and her reassurance that “everything will be fine.” It was as if the Universe itself told me about it through her.
But the next day, it became clear that someone had moved the dog on the handcart for a few hundred meters closer. Some woman heard her screaming; she has a dog, and she was willing to cover some expenses. Strange, but I did not notice the Dog, and that she hadn’t whined when I was passing by the place twice. Probably, the Universe did not want to burden me with more responsibility, as well as it did not want me to meet with the Man face to face.
The next day I heard about the Dog was no longer alive.
The life of one dog was lost. This happens every day, all over the planet. But if we consider this event from the other side, we can see that a lot of good has happened in this regard. And if today we were not able to do something, maybe tomorrow we will. I believe that nothing in this story is accidental. Yes, everything happened because of some idiot who brought this dog down, but maybe this case will help to prevent many others.

Each day leaves its traces on me – on my shoulders, on my skin, in my brain.... Every day, life becomes more and more difficult. Sometimes it becomes simply intolerable. And I have said many times that I'm ready (even want) my life to over, but.... each time after it seemed so unbearable something good happens. At such moments you want to hug someone, because I start feeling to some kind of a universal Love. Mother Earth shows herself, she does not yet want to take me to her, she nourishes and invigorates me. And I'm starting to feel my unity with her, who has been suffering millions times more than I’ve been, for many thousands of years in succession.

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